Amazing Opportunity for Doctoral Candidates

Ramona Hernandez, Ph.D.



Just in case you have not seen this amazing opportunity for doctoral candidates, enclosed, please find information about a new scholarship at the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute at the City College of New York and at Centro de Estudios Puerorriqueños at Hunter College. Please see link.

This is a significant step in the life of CUNY DSI and for the entire CUNY family; CCNY’s Communications Office highlighted such an accomplishment in their news coverage. Please see link below.

We would appreciate it if you could distribute it widely.


Ramona Hernandez, Ph.D.
Director, CUNY Dominican Studies Institute &
Professor of Sociology
The Colin L. Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership/
Division of Social Science
The City College of New York
Convent Avenue at 138th Street
Main Office NAC 4/107
New York, NY 10031
Tel. (212) 650-7496
Fax (212) 650-7489