Concerting Efforts to Advance Our Empowerment Agenda
CODA 2018 Conference Program
Sunday, February 11, 2018 from 8:30am to 4pm.
Rutgers School of Law
123 Washington Street Newark, NJ 07102
Conference Highlights
- -Swearing-in Ceremony of Professor Alejandro Benjamin as the 10th President of the Dominican American National Roundtable (DANR)
- -Plenary forums, workshops, and the Annual General Assembly of the National Dominican American Council
- -A plenary breakfast forum consisting of a research presentation by scholar Nestor Montilla, Sr. about the long-lasting effects of American Presidents’ military occupations of the Dominican Republic and the Republic Haiti on immigration from Hispaniola to USA.
This plenary forum also includes an open discussion about Montilla’s research findings regarding rape, sexual abuse and prostitution under the US 1916-1924 occupation of the Dominican Republic.
Considering that the American white male soldiers and military leadership deployed to invade the Dominican Republic in 1916 brought with them their white supremacy complex and condescending white superiority attitude towards women and a mostly dark-skinned African descent population, a salient point of the discussion will center on considering how US military’s policies aimed at changing Dominican traditional sexual and gender norms during the invasion of the Dominican Republic paved the way for the justification to control and deride Dominican women in society, and for the virtual institutionalization of rape, violence and sexual crimes against Dominican women.
This plenary will feature a select group of expert panelists and will include a Q&A section.
P.O. Box 224 Bloomingdale NJ 07403
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of the Institute for Latino Studies Research & Development.