Fellows Go to Washington For a Seminar on Values & Ethics in Public Service

LLANJ, ILS & DANR Collaborate to Make Seminar Happen


On Saturday, October 8, 2016, the Latino Leadership Alliance of New Jersey, the Institute for Latino Studies and the Dominican American National Roundtable join efforts to host a free seminar about Values & Ethics in Public Service at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC.

Led by seasoned public sector experts and practitioners, the seminar consists in an in-depth review of laws and principles that govern public service.

“The seminar is part of an ongoing intense Latino Leadership Academy 10-month course spearheaded by ILS, LLANJ & DANR to train and develop emerging leaders that they may serve the community in a more holistic and independent manner,” said Nestor Montilla, Sr, Director of the Leadership Academy.

Hon. Claribel Martinez-Marmolejos, DANR President

“On behalf of DANR Board of Directors, I would like to indicate that we are happy to collaborate with ILS and LLANJ in realizing this important seminar about Values & Ethics in Public Service at the U.S. Capitol,” said Claribel Martinez-Marmolejos, DANR President. “Our purpose is to train the next generation of leaders by affording them meaningful opportunities and teaching them sophisticated ways to think, act, relate to others effectively and stay true to their value systems and ethics.”

Participants include 35 fellows of the Leadership Academy and individuals interested in the topic. Fellows will travel together on a bus from New Jersey to Washington, DC, departing on October 8th, 2016 at 5am. There are 20 seats available for those who RSVP for the seminar and wish to travel together with the fellows. To RSVP and for more information write to [email protected].

After the session, scheduled to begin at 10am, fellows and participants will go on a tour of the US Congress and historical sites in Washington, DC.

Participants in The Academy were selected based on their professional and community involvement background, as well as their commitment to submit to the rigors of intense and demanding leadership development training. The program begun on Saturday, June 11, 2016 and meets on the second Saturday of the month.

Seminars are held at field related sites across the state, and favor a practicum approach to training. Topics covered by the course include Latino History and Contribution to United States, Government, Leadership Styles, Values & Ethics in Public Service, Education, A two-party System, Criminal Justice, Health, Social Services & Economic Development, Public Speaking and Media, and a special session on Running a Political Campaign.

Participants are given public-speaking roles throughout the year; are strategically advised on awareness of key community issues, concerns, needs and opportunities involving those in leadership roles; and are motivated to take on leadership roles in the public, private and nonprofit sectors in order to influence actions that will have a positive impact on the community as a whole.

Fellows are expected to graduate in May 2017.
About ILS and LLANJ
The Institute for Latino Studies (ILS), founded in 2001 and since then dedicated to quality research and advocacy for a better society, is a non-profit entity recognized by the federal government as a 501 (c) (3) organization. ILS believes that a solid understanding of cultural identity and people’s socio-economic reality is essential for development in a multi-cultural society. instituteforlatinostudies.org

The Latino Leadership Alliance of New Jersey (LLANJ) is a 501 (c) (3) organization established in 1999 to mobilize and empower Latino communities to obtain political, economic, and social equity and unify organizations and individuals in advocating for the rights and advancement of Latinos throughout the state of New Jersey. llanj.org

The Dominican American National Roundtable (DANR) is the only national nonprofit, nonpartisan organization based in Washington, DC, advocating for the socio-economic and civic development of Dominicans in the United States. DANR is presided over by a National Board of Directors led by an executive committee composed of a president, a vice president, a youth president, a chairman, a treasurer, and a vice president representing Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. www.danr.orgdanr-ils-and-llanj